Spring is a time for rebirth. There are so many changes occurring this time of year that it is easy to lose sight of them all. Take a moment to review these tips to see if the trees around your house could use them. Spring is the time to:
Trim Palm Trees The threat of winter hard freezes is over. Pruning your palm trees now will have them looking great during the summer when you are by your pool. Remove Dead Branches And Suckers Dead branches and suckers are sapping vital nutrition from your tree. Removing dead branches and suckers promotes growth and an overall healthier tree. Dead limbs are a safety hazard and is even more of one when the weather warms up and the little ones venture outdoors to play. Fertilize Oak Trees, Pecan Trees, And Elm Trees Big trees need the right nutrition to be healthy. Replacing thousands of leaves lost during fall is taxing. Fertilization will keep your tree in better shape while extending its life. Arborist Administered Insecticide Tree Injections Caterpillar season is coming soon! Caterpillars range from an annoyance to a real tree damage dealer. Tree injections done by a certified arborist can keep these pests away.
Trees are a beautiful and functional asset to your property. They provide shade, oxygen, and in some cases fruit, nuts, or flowers. Knowing this, why is pruning and cutting branches on trees important? Health Removing weak or dead branches prevent decay and insect problems. Canopies that are too dense can cause increase disease and insect problems. Crossed branches rub the bark away from where they meet. These exposed areas are easy spots for pathogens to be introduced. Removing competing leaders. Leaders are branches at the top of the tree. Having two that compete can lead to wood that splits and tears. Older trees can form pockets where water will sit. Sitting water can rot wood and lead to some real damage. Selectively pruning these locations can improve the well being of your tree. Safety It reduces the risk of branches falling and damaging property or people. Low growing branches can hit people or cars. Branches that hang over property can lead to damages during storms and high wind. Form
Trees tend to grow best when they keep their form. Removing wild growing branches early keep your tree's form looking good and your tree healthy. As trees grow larger, they do not need to keep such a low canopy. The higher branches block out more sun, and the lower branches are less effective at producing food. raising a tree's canopy helps to make the tree more productive while making it easier to walk beneath the tree. Hurricane season is upon us yet again. After closely watching subtropical storm Alberto make landfall, it is certainly here. Hurricane preparedness saves lives. We are repeatedly informed to make sure our family has enough food, water, hygiene supplies, batteries, and gas to last in case disaster strikes. We are asking you to take a look at one more thing that could become deadly, your large trees.
If you have a large tree on your property, have one of our arborists take a look at it for free. Healthy trees often have dead wood hanging from limbs that can cause damage in a storm. A large tree could have a lot of branches that generate wind resistance. A few select cuts will reduce the chance of the tree falling during strong winds. It can also look better and allow light to pass through to the plants below, making them healthier and better looking. The most dangerous situation is if you have a dead or dying tree. A large dead tree during a hurricane can kill. It is safer to have dead trees removed immediately. These are the first trees to fall during a storm and tend to be the ones on the news shows firmly through the roof of someone’s home. Even if you are insured and no one gets hurt, it will take months to get everything repaired and replaced. Be on the safe side. If you live in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, or anywhere in Louisiana between, get one of our arborists to inspect your tree’s health today for free. Contact us today to get it scheduled. |